I find it ironic and somewhat funny that the last blog I posted was August 17,2012. Guess I didn't do so well with blogging this past year. Reading through my past posts, I feel almost like a different person. I guess we are subject to change as time goes on. It just doesn't feel quite real.
I'm not always great with words. My thoughts on paper (or in this case via electronics) are usually a vast patchwork of unorganized feelings and perceptions of my life.
I am about to enter my 4th year of college.
I graduate a year from this coming December. It's almost surreal. I remember 3 years ago at this time, anxiously anticipating the start of my freshman year at Baptist Bible College. In the most cliche way possible, I will say this...I had no idea how much my life was about to change.
I've met friends that I am sure I will keep in touch with the rest of my life.
I've had professors that have challenged my way of thinking and have urged me to search out the Word.
I've had a family that has supported and encouraged me to stick with music education and to work hard as unto the Lord and not to man.
I've been exposed to opportunities and experiences that have solidified what God's word says. (I know that God's Word is sufficient and of more worth than anything I can experience)
There is so much. How can I even express in mere words how valuable this time of my life has been?
There were things that weren't so pleasant.
I've been hurt. I've been angry. I've reacted in ways that I shouldn't have.
I've seen friends and family go through extremely difficult circumstances.
I've failed many times in the process of learning new skills.
I've wanted to give up because I didn't remind myself of truths from God's word.
BUT...He was faithful. He is faithful. He's not done working on me.
All this to say, it's always good to reflect on where you have been. And to thank the Lord for where you are. And remember where you are going.