Thursday, July 18, 2013

Honesty. The best policy.

I haven't posted since January.  I think when I first started this blog in 2011, I pictured myself blogging once a week on the every day, normal happenings of my life.  Well, I can see that didn't work!  6 months since my last post.  It's strange how so much can change in half a year. 6 months. 26 weeks. 182 days. 4382 hours. 262874 minutes.  And no, I did not do that math myself.  Praise God for google.

This summer I have lived at home for the first time in two years.  I've just completed four years of college with one semester left of student teaching to complete my degree in music education.  The finish line is in sight, a vision I wasn't always certain I would see.

As I reflect on the beautiful chapters that God has written in the small story of my life, I see His hand everywhere.  Hands that took away what I wasn't willing to give up.  Hands that healed when I couldn't understand why He would take me through such pain.  Hands that showed me how small I viewed Him and much more He could do with my life if I surrendered.  Hands that picked me up when I refused to listen and would rather solve my problems my own way. Hands that disciplined when I sinned and hands that taught me grace and mercy are needed every day. Hands that showed me how selfish I could be and how unaware I was of the people hurting around me.

Can I be completely and unashamedly honest right now? Well, it's my blogpost and I think I shall.  LIFE IS MEANINGLESS WITHOUT CHRIST.  There I said it.  It's true. It's really true! How silly are we to think (as followers of Christ) we can make it on our own.  That we can go about our own thing and pursue the things of this life without a second thought of Christ.

I speak as a follower of Christ who isn't perfect.  I am greatly looking forward to the day where I receive my glorified body and no longer feel the weight of temptation or desire to do wrong.  Why is it so scary to admit that? Did not Christ come to save SINNERS?  Why is the Church so often full of people that are obsessed with making it look like they have it all together?  I am one of those people and I hate it.  I am made more aware of my desperate, urgent, and fierce need for a Savior as each day of my life passes.

Yesterday I met up with a friend that I met this summer at local college group gathering near my home.  I can't even begin to express how refreshing it was to share my testimony with her and be completely real and honest about what Christ has done in my life!  I was so encouraged.  This is the Christian life.  Sharing the gospel.  Sharing what Christ has done.  My actions are not enough.  And to be honest, a lot of the time my actions do not match what I profess to believe.

All of this to say, if you are a Christ follower, be encouraged.  The journey is bound to be bumpy.  I know mine is.  Stay in the Word. Pray.  Allow the Spirit to work.  Repent and turn from Sin.  Love Christ with all your heart and be honest with him with where you are at, because He already knows.

This verse has been on my heart all week.

Titus 1:16- "They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works.  They are detestable, unfit for any good work."

I don't want to be unfit anymore.

Beloved of God, you must live like it.